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Terms and agreement:


These regulations were drawn up based on laws applicable in the territory of Polish Republic, and they define the principles of the Internet portal, functioning at,, (hereafter called a Portal) and the provision of services and use of the services run by the portal site. These Rules regulate the rights and obligations of the users and the rights, responsibilities and the scope of the Portal as the manager.
Each User who decides to use the resources of the Portal declares that he has reviewed the Regulations and accepts the contents hereof.
The name of the Portal, its graphic design, logos, graphics, trademarks, software and databases are protected by law as provided by law in force in the territory of the Polish Republic.

I. Glossary of terms used in these Regulations.

1. Portal - Numismatic service operating at addresses,,
2. Regulations - this document, which sets out the terms and conditions of operation and use of the Portal,
3. Owner of the Portal - ZAWUXXO Spólka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, ul. Frezerów 3, 20-209 Lublin, NIP: PL9462699453, REGON: 386822622,
4. Data Controller - Owner of the Portal is the Data Controller,
5. Administrator - Portal owner or the person acting on behalf of the owner of the Portal, who is responsible for the proper functioning of the Portal and is authorized to undertake on behalf of the owner of the Portal, all factual and legal actions necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the Portal,
6. User - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, who has registered on the Portal by opening accounts, accepted the Terms of the Service and has the ability to actively use the Portal,
7. Account - a database containing information about the User, in particular the identity of the user, allowing the user to use the Portal, as well as posted by the user graphical and descriptive materials,
8. Spam - e-mail messages (in particular of a commercial nature) sent through the Portal Mail, as well as placed in other locations of the Portal, where the recipient does not receive their expressed prior consent,
9. Price list - information published on the Portal pages specifying the conditions, form and amount of payment for selected services provided by the Portal,
10. Agreement - an agreement for the provision of electronic services concluded between you and the Portal upon accepting the terms by the user, of the content corresponding to the contents of the Regulations,

II. General regulations:

1. The users are entitled to:
a. having their own accounts in the resource-Portal,
b. freely modifying their Account data by using the account properties, in particular the placing of the numismatic materials, modifying and uploading your collection descriptions, respecting the principles laid down in the Regulations,
c. Browsing the accounts of other users, limited in scope to the data shared by other users and interacting with other users respecting the principles laid down in the Regulations,
d. sending private messages to other users,
e. expressing themselves in groups and forums on the Portal,
f. paticipating in contests and ratings held by the portal.
2. When using the Portal it is prohibited to:
a. Use any defamatory or vulgar language in the accounts, groups, and on the forum,
b. insult other users and people who are not Users,
c. promote public web sites and commercial products without the consent of the Administrator,
d. place the content of prohibited materials, in particular pornographic, discriminatory or hateful in any form,
e. have more than one account by the same user.
3. The user declares that he has the appropriate consent and authority to dispose of any materials submitted by him to the Portal, in particular photographs, graphics, videos, descriptions and fragments of literary and scientific publications. The user bears the full civil and the criminal responsibility for the materials he/she posts, which may arise in the event of placing within the accounts materials indicated above without proper permission, in violation of another's property rights, copyright or other intellectual property protected rights .
4. The user is fully responsible for the infringement of personal rights of others, which could occur as a result of the method adopted by the user of operating on their Account.
5. In the event of non-compliance to the terms and rules stated in the Regulations, the Administrator reserves the right to block the User's Account without the need to give prior warning.
6. The Portal Administrator reserves the right to remove materials posted by the user, if the user does not respect the rules of the Regulations or generally applicable laws or there is a duly substantiated request to remove the materials reported by a public authority or a third person possessing the legal rights to the materials or by the ruling / order / of the relevant public authority.

III. Rules for registration.

1. The Registration is based on the full and correct completion of the registration form.
2. The Portal user can be any natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality who, after accepting the provisions hereof, will realize the full registration procedure on the Portal, ending in the effective setting up an account.
3. The user must provide true personal data and the Portal reserves the rights to verify them.
4. You must update the data contained in the registration form every time there is actual need.
5. By registering on the Portal, the user consents to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Law of 18 July 2002. of electronic services, together with their subsequent amendments.
6. By registering the user agrees to the processing of personal data and their presentation to other users, as well as to non-users of only to the extent indicated in the registration form.
7. Completing the registration procedure in the Portal the user agrees to the processing of collected data (including phone number, email, pictures) for purposes strictly related to the activities of the Portal - especially for the purpose of the presentation of the numismatic directory being a part of the Portal and for the information and statistical purposes, provided that their scope is consistent with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Law of 18 July 2002. of electronic services.
8. Completing the registration procedure in the Portal the User agrees to receive on the specified during the registration e-mail address mailing information from the Portal's Administrator.
9. The user can modify the submitted personal data to correct them.
10. The user has every right to view his personal data submitted by him and stored by the portal and he is entitled to demand their correction within the scope of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data.
11. By providing personal information the user confirms their authenticity and compliance with actual data.
12. Completing the registration procedure in the Portal, the User accepts the terms contained in the Price List for the provision of the portal's financial services, as well as accepts the payment methods for these services enforced by the portal.

IV. Limitations of the Portal and its users.

1. It is prohibited to use any part or function of the Portal to:
a. positioning the web pages,
b. carrying out commercial activities without the consent of the Administration,
c. directing Spam to other Users of the Portal
2. Portal Administrator reserves the right to:
a. The temporary suspension of the functioning of the portal due to technical reasons without prior notice to the users,
b. The total cessation of the registration of new Accounts and other activities related thereto for any reason after informing users about this decision,

V. Duties of the Portal's Administrator.

Portal Administrator is obliged to:
1. Make every effort to ensure the correct functioning of the Portal,
2. Ensure the security of the data entrusted to the Portal by the Users in accordance with the generally applicable law,
3. Spare no effort in enforcing the rules of the Regulations,
4. Immediately remove the User Account from the Portal, which flagrantly violates the provisions of the Regulations, as well as the user who has expressed a request to remove his account.

VI. Changes in the Regulations.

1. The Portal reserves the right to change the terms of the Regulationss at any time, informing the users in the form of messages transmitted by email to the address given during the registration.
2. In the absence of acceptance of the new terms of the Regulations specified in the paragraph. 1, the user can withdraw from their acceptance, sending the information about the decision to address of the Portal's Administrator, which will result in the termination of the Agreement and thus will result in the removal of the users Account.

VII. Privacy policy

1. The User's personal data collected by the Portal is processed for the purposes of providing services, payment processing, sending important information about the Portal and commercial informationvia email, provided that the user has agreed to receive it. We are aware that the User is the owner of all his/her private data and the data is not shared with other entities except for the necessary cases. For example, we host data of the Portal on the hosting's servers and provide standard statistical data to Google Analytics in order to obtain statistics that help us improve the website (you can withdraw your consent to collect statistics through Google Analytics on the settings page).
2. The portal collects various types of the User's private data.
a. Basic contact details: email address, preferred language and username are used by Portal when contacting the User. We need this data to distinguish the actual User from malicious machines (so-called bots) and account activation. We also use this data for communication with the User, including contacts required to fulfill the legal obligations of the Portal. We also send personal catalogs in PDF format on the email address (functionality in preparation).
b. Additional data for logging in: mathematical checksum of the current User's password. This means that we do not store the content of the password itself but only an unique checksum for each password. That allows us to confirm that the user has entered the same password. This means that the Administrator is able to set a new password (i.e. in case of suspected account hacking) but Administrator is unable to read the password used by the User.
c. Login details: timestamp and IP address. We use the number of logins to improve the Portal. IP addresses are stored for security reasons and are not processed outside of individual cases where it's absolutely necessary.
d. User preferences: country, time zone and selected avatar. These data help us develop the Portal. The avatar is used when publishing your collection online (currently, this functionality is not available on the Portal, turning it on will require an additional email confirmation).
e. User's private collection: a list of coins with their details, including quantity, status, grading, description, contractors and purchase and/or sale prices. Purchase and sales prices are anonymized and presented in the coin catalog. The price presented to other users is the weighted average of all prices of a given coin in the catalog. The User's personal collection and the personal page with the summary of the collection are the only places where the prices entered by the User are presented in a relation to the User.
f. Transaction data necessary for processing payment for the Premium accounts. Payments are made by external suppliers (PayPal, PayU) and because of that the Portal stores the minimum amount of data - transaction number, its status, supplier name, timestamp and the subject of the transaction.
3. The User has the right to request information on the private data he/she has collected and to request a complete deletion of his/her data.
4. User who has not logged in for 3 years or more will be completely removed from the databases in accordance to 'the right to be forgotten'.


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