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50 Groszy

Edition Metal Stamp Diameter Weight Mintage BU Unc XF VF FF
1938 MW Fe Regular ↑↑ ø 23 mm 5 g 32 000 000 - 94.5 37.8 25.2 12.6
1938 MW Fe Regular ↑↑ ø 23 mm 5 g ? - 47.3 12.6 9.8 3.8
1938 n.m. Fe Regular ↑↑ ø 23 mm 5 g ? - - - - -
1938 n.m. Fe Regular ↑↑ ø 23 mm 5 g ? - - - - -
↓ Obverse ↓
Obverse 50 Groszy 1938-N-M
Reverse 50 Groszy 1938-N-M
↑ Reverse ↑
Issuer Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete
Coin type Circulation
Shape Circle
Denomination & currency 50 Groszy
0.50 PLZ
Design Moneta bita w latach 1941 - 1944
Edition details
Year of the edition 1940
Year on Coin 1938
Edition date 1940-04-23
Edition price -
Mint Warszawa
Privy mark n.m.
Mintage ?
Physical characteristics
Stamp Regular stamp
Medal alignment
Metal Iron (Fe)
Diameter ø 23 mm
Weight 5 g
Border Plain
Rim Upset
Additional decorations -
Coin Catalogs
Parchimowicz 12
Fischer GG 005
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Sample graph - Fryderyk Chopin, 50 Złotych, 1972
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