Sate Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan framed with national ornamental pattern, face value, (10 ТЕҢГЕ 20 ТЕҢГЕ 50 ТЕҢГЕ 100 ТЕҢГЕ, 200 ТЕҢГЕ 500 ТЕҢГЕ), name of issueng bank in Kazakh 'ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҰЛТТЫҚ БАНКІ' and in English 'NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN'.
image of snow leopard, figure that indicates year of coinage, name of the coin in Kazakh 'АЛТЫН БАРЫС' and in English 'GOLDEN IRBIS', indication of metal, its standart and weight in ounce (Au 999,9 1/10oz Au 999,9 1/4oz Au 999,9 1/2oz Au 999,9 1oz Au 999,9 2oz Au 999,9 5oz)